Dripl biedt personaliseerbare, gezonde en duurzame drankjes via een innovatieve, verpakkingsvrije drankdispenser. Het concept draait om het elimineren van wegwerpverpakkingen en het verminderen van...
Veel organisaties worstelen met inefficiënte toegangscontrole en personeelsregistratie. Traditionele systemen, zoals papieren urenregistratie of fysieke sleutels, zijn foutgevoelig, tijdrovend en vaak...
Building up all electronics and software to control the mechanical design. Also guide the users in the right direction from a touchscreen to control the entire device from there.
For the company AgroExact, Contecto contributed to the manufacturability of the product SoilExact and AtmoExact. By going through an engineering process, the products can now be assembled simply...
The BattScan is a great solution for organizations that own forklift trucks or lease them to third parties. The technology gives you insight in how to significantly improve the quality and durability...
In order to create more insight into your product, we can link your product to the cloud. This gives you more insight, more feedback and, above all, more control over your product. Would you like to...
Top-level football and technology go perfectly together in the FreeKickPro®, developed in collaboration with Contecto. We were given the opportunity to develop the hardware and embedded software for...
Making mechanical design work by designing electronics and software that can be controlled via multiple protocols. In addition, updating software remotely is a must.
A wearable in the form of a ring that measures UV radiation and daylight
Optical sensoring (UV & Ambient light)
Extreme small Accu-pack footprint
Bluetooth Low Energy
Wireless charging
Technology blocks
Functional Product
Product Development
Customer Support
The customer saw that there was a need in the market to keep track of how much sunlight and daylight a person received per individual. To do this in a way that is hardly noticeable and which does not...